Public Decomposition // If I Glow, Will She Come Back?

Public Decomposition 

King Hobgoblin Sleeping

Thank you all for coming here today. I ask you 

to watch as the small feast on me, leave nothing 

but ribs. Let larva grow from my flesh. I want 

something to be born out of me. Repentance can 

still be paid. Do not cry my masses, for I will birth 

from myself the most grotesque things, bubbly purple 

mold and mushrooms from my heart. There is beauty 

in the bile of stomach boiling over skin. I will become

heaven for beetles. Don’t worry my subjects, 

this is what I have always yearned for, grass slowly 

reclaiming me as worms find their way back 

home. Witness me, the smell, and smile.

If I glow, will she come back?

Nightly, I watch my roommate crack 

her boyfriend’s back, breathe in till 

breath shakes spit to carpet. 

Always the same procession of release.

Prayer: the act of praying. Each pop-

rock shift of my vertebrae will force bile 

to my throat. Can I confess something? 

Old friends used to beat me bloody 

for kissing Emily. Disinfect me.

Catharsis will never come, leaves me tired. 

Should I be snapped back into place? 

Or would I end up a smashed firefly,

a glowing puddle of pulpy light?

Megan Borocki

Megan Borocki (they/she) is an MFA candidate in poetry at Bowling Green State University. She is managing editor for Mid-American Review. Their work has recently appeared in The Hunger. On rainy days you can find them out moving earthworms off of sidewalks.

Twitter: 505panda


Palm Reading


Watching Iverson step over Lue as the entirety of Staples Center responds the same way as the Roman senate did upon seeing Crassus' head cut off by the Parthians in their funny notion of "peace talks"