Happy Pride to Everyone Except Cops, Racists, TERFs, Landlords, the Texas Government and People Who Like Cops, Racists, TERFs, Landlords and/or the Texas Government

I am planning a lesson on Sappho

knowing I can get gunned down

in the middle of a fragment

or fired for the confusion of my 

manwomanboygirl body or ravaged

by a virus until my brain and lungs

are once again too foggy for poems.

I finally started binding, loving it,

and it’s 100 degrees in Texas. (Alanis,

that one’s for you). My besties wait

at the bear bar for trivia and I am too scared

to leave my house with my body.

I don’t struggle to love myself, not now.

I struggle to live in America.

Cover photo by Bernadetta Watts

SG Huerta

SG Huerta is a Chicane writer from Dallas. They are the author of the chapbook The Things We Bring with Us: Travel Poems (Headmistress Press, 2021), and their work has appeared in Split Lip Magazine, Infrarrealista Review, Variant Lit, and elsewhere. They live in Texas with their partner and two cats. Find them at sghuertawriting.com or on Twitter @sg_poetry


Go To A Museum


Poem for my lover, Mr. Furious