If I ever go for a group therapy

If I ever go for a group therapy this is how I will introduce myself. My name is Georgia or Ifunanya, so long you don't mispronounce it.I am a fixer, this means I'm naturally attracted to broken things. I don't have much problems just Insomnia, PTSD, Imposter syndrome, childhood trauma, anxiety, micro passive aggression, a couple of health issues for beautification. I shrink when I'm with people so I won't be noticed, but somehow garner attention for being quiet. Self-sabotage is how I show myself love. I apologized to the door nob that tore my best dress but in my head I mean, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck-shit. My favorite song is silence and my favorite dish is poetry. I live somewhere in the future next door to the past. The present is just my means of getting home. My outward look can be likened to the Zuma rock, on the inside, cotton candy will be green-eyed. Love is a mystery to me. People mistake my kindness for love, and I mistake their fondness for affection. The first day my father saw me, he thought I was a boy. He still chases after the man in me.

Ifunanya Georgia Ezeano

Ifunanya Georgia Ezeano is fast rising author, writer, and poet. She was shortlisted for Loft Books Prize for Flash Fiction. She has been published many times. reads, writes and just wants to live.




Why I hate the Atlanta Braves