Wunderpus Photogenicus

If octopuses dream, 

then it is probably brief. 

They likely dream 

to consolidate memories, 

solve small puzzles. 

Octopuses are known problem solvers.

The Wunderpus Photogenicus

changes its shape, size, and color

to get out of harm's way. 

If it were that easy, 

I would be shaped like you. 

Big, strong, gone. 

Octopuses use their siphons for

respiration and locomotion. 

As if with every wishful breath

I could propel myself 

back into your arms. 

You visited me in a dream 

to brush my hair. 

That was enough. 

I woke up looking for you—

my body, wet from sweat 

my long hair, a poor girl’s tentacles,

reaching out in every direction

just to be tangled up 

in memories 

of your tenderness. 

I am not an octopus. 

I have solved nothing.

Pam Yve Simon

Pam Yve Simon (she/her) believes in love and art. She earned her bachelor of arts in English and American literature from New York University. Her poetry has appeared in perhappened mag, Fahmidan Journal, and The Daily Drunk Mag’s Marvelous Verses anthology. Her photography has appeared in Feral and Kissing Dynamite. Say hi to her on Twitter @PamYve


This Started As An Ode To Felatio


Combat Boots II